Thursday, January 26, 2006

Storytelling is not lost on us

We are getting a kitten.
I already have a cat. She is my special needs cat. She was given to me by my landlord. The poor cat (3yrs old) had been in possession of a very lonely 14 yr old boy who's mother one day decided that he had to get rid of her. He was SOO heart broken. So the cat came to me. My landlady thought I would care for her. And I do. The cat is TERRIFIED to be picked up or held. My theory is that she was probably squeezed more than she appreciated by the boy. No fault of his, he was just lonely. Until I rescued another cat about a year later and brought her home, I'm pretty sure cat#1 had never seen another one of her species. The poor thing was soo interested in her new companion, but cat#2 was very old and territorial. This cat was an attention whore. Lap cat, bed cat, calico cat. Whore. I loved that cat. I wont say I loved her more than the first Kitty, but because I personally rescued her from almost certain doom, I had special feelings for her. She, being old and stubborn, liked to hang about outside. Well one day, she went to play in the bushes and I never saw her again. I'm pretty sure she was dinner for a coyote. We live near farms, and she was somewhat deaf and slow. Easy snack. Poor cat. I felt personally responsible for her disappearance and I felt like I had lost my child. Poor cat #1. Still there... I felt even worse being so depressed over the loss of my second cat when I still had my first. That was some months ago. My cat is coming around to the ways of catly-ness. She sleeps on the bed and cries for food and attention like a normal cat. She seems lonely though. When I come home from work, she runs from wherever and meows. "pet me pet me pet me! Don't pick me up bitch! Pet me pet me pet me!'
So we are getting a kitten. Honestly between us and the lamppost, I prefer cats to kittens. Kittens are like babies; misshapen. If I adopted from a pound, I would just feel guilty taking a kitten when there are so many nice fat adult cats needing a loving home. They already have personalities and stories of their own that I'll never know because I can't speak cat-ese.
But Older cats are set in their ways, and I don't think that will mesh with my current, psychotic cat. So a kitten it is. I hope, hope, hope that my boyfriend is right and a kitten growing up with Miss kitty will be a good thing and maybe they will become friends and playmates. I know she wants to play with the other cats, she is just scared. I hope the kitten isn't a super alpha cat.
I would never get rid of any pet I have, ever. It always makes me sad to hear of someone needing to get rid of their cats or dogs. They are like children to me. As I will never have children of my own, this is how I compensate. Especially considering the fact that my current cat is such a special case. I feel like I have rescued her in a similar manner to the second cat. She was in a bad situation and she came to me, now she is in a better one. A loving home. Which is something all domestic animals deserve. (while livestock deserves a loving farm, thank you).
I am not a crazy animal activist who will spray-paint a fur coat, but come on folks, give the living things some respect. And go adopt a cat or a dog, or another cat or dog. At least you don't have to send them to college!


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