Wednesday, March 29, 2006

I do not read the reviews. No, I am not singing for you.

I think the imagination is running away with my mind. It's constantly, constantly, everywhere, every minute, every day, no matter who i am with. Constantly there in the back of my mind. Time to do something about it, but I have my math class to study for. Poo.I need to get back to some real classes I can absorb myself into. At least if I have that I will have something to pour the imagination into. One would think it would be my goal to find a job where i can do this and not have to push it away until 5pm and even then, unless I'm forced, i do nothing about it. In fact I never have done anything about it. The only time I didn't have a problem with it was when I was in school hard core studying Soc and English. and it went away. hmm....I know I am deppressed, and that usually is the cause. but am I deppressed for what? because I have nothing I am outletting myself into?or is it really because Im fat. I've been fat my whole life, really i can't imagine that's the only reason.Ok, not my whole life... but I didn't start all this craziness until I had been out of school for a while.and before I started college. When I hated everything and nothing made me happy. Except choir, 6 days a week. Maybe this is why Pisces' are such losers. If we don't have an outet for our brains, we go nuts. or into intoxication, or deppression or both, or ...If I think about it, all of them i've ever known are like that. Daydreamers we get called. Yeah, true, but why? because it's an outlet. easier to pretend and see things that make us happy that do the work to find out what in the real life makes us happy. No too lazy to do it, but to know what it is.Being an ant in the hill is fine to pass the time, but it's not enough to fill up someone's thoughts.I wonder what the others are thinking when they do what i do.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

The New Generation

Ok, not so incredibly new, but....

While working here in my cubicle in the accounting department of this multinational company,
I listen to the Dead Kennedys.

What would our great grandparents think?

Monday, March 20, 2006

One Month

Almost to the day since I've posted.
too lazy to give a fuck enough to type things when someone might be looking.

I have a job, for about 3 weeks now. It's nice. it's a temp job but it's nothing to compain about.
The kittens are fine, Kitty has adapted to them. We have to lock them out of the bedroom at night so we can sleep and Kitty always still sleeps with us. Last night she meowed in my face at 430am. I think because I was having bad dreams. I don't know how she would know that, but she didn't want out or anything else. I just petted her, made she she didn't want out and she went back to the foot of the bed.

going to sleep I had the weird visuals when I had my eyes closed again like I did after new years.
not as bad though. just some vauge shapes and not really any color.
I think it would be a good idea for me to invest in a pill tester kit so I know what the fuck it is that makes me see the shit.
Probably what caused my bad dreams. Not that bad dreams are unusual. but the coincidence is too much. pot and speckled E makes me have weirdness the following night.

Had my birthdae party. It was cool that so many (meaning like 5) people travled as far as they did just to hang out for a bit. Everyone else can fuck off, and they did.
I'm working on my popularity.
We checked out the club Spundae on Saturday night. It was good. like a little mini rave.
Well, in comparison to the raves we've gone to before, which were huge.

I did actually open my lap top and start writing. I keep trying to think of things to make the story into so it wont be fan fiction, but that's what it is.
maybe if I actually finish it, i'll get more ideas. stupid story lines.
I'm with fake Moby, i think it should be all up. forget plot development. who wants to be like Toliken anyhow?
tee hee...
Actually the details are usually my favorite part to think of. but climax is more fun to read.
Whatever. I need to work on passing my stupid math class before I work on any plot-anythings.

I have not been very philosophical lately. Even though I can only get my money as fast as my paychecks come, organizing how i am going to pay my bills has consumed a lot of my time this month. Now that I've got almost all the bills paid, now im stuck on the credit cards.