Tuesday, February 07, 2006

The Cannery Has No Cans

So much has gone on since I last was available to waste my hours away typing madly in a rush at a screen. Today is my last day at my current job. Nope, I haven't got another one. I'm flying by the seat of my dirty jeans. I am nervous but not really. I know that I am a weIner and finding a replacement job is no hassle. Now, finding an admin job that pays well like I want, well lets try that story later.
Actually I had my first real interview today. Yeeh.. Not gonna happen. Perfect job. Stupid me. I didn't bring a copy of my resume (who knew?) and I was late! HAHA! I wouldn't hire me if I were them. No worry, it's a learning experience right? Oh well. NEXT!!!

We got the kittens (yes plural) on Saturday. A boy and a girl. Whiney striped tabby I call Samwise and a black boisterous girl who we've yet to name. They are very energetic and Kitty and only seemed a little horrified at them.
She is so used to things how they are, the poor dear. My poor little snow leopard. Her eyes get all big and worried and frustrated when she watches the kittens. But this morning the little girl came up and sniffed her and she didn't run away, she just sniffed back. Maybe there is hope.
The minute I thought her life would suck as a result, I wouldn't never have got kittens.
They terrorize each other, the kittens. So they get tired out easier and don't chase Kitty. She has done a good job keeping them from out of "under the bed" Which is her domain. Actually the bedroom is her domain and has stayed that way so far. Good.
The kittens have the bathroom and the living room; Bedroom and on top of the Monitor is for Kitty.


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