Monday, January 30, 2006

What's wrong in the sack?

It's not that I am in love with Methos, it's that Peter's accent coupled with a love for beer makes me want to wet myself.
He's honestly not even that good looking. Ewan McGreggor being much more to my liking,( also with hot accent in place) But that's a real person, whom I have never found to be into beer. or whatever.
Although I have never taken the time to research Ewan, as I think the lives of famous people are, well, their business.
It's all fun and games until I wind up being around someone with the hot accent with who I have no business being interested. I don't care who it is,"can you just stand here and talk so I can listen to your accent?"
any British guy in America hears that. From a lot of people.
What's worse is that I find myself speaking with an accent that I, frankly, don't have.
I know there is an actual word developed for an American who is obsessed with British culture.
But don't blame me!! I Started watching Doctor Who when I was 4 years old!!
ANd I would like to add, not one bit sexual interest was peaked from the Doctor, as it should be (see previous blog's article link concerning the disgusting move by Fox to put romace in Doctor Who, shame on you FOX)
Ah ha! But what about the 9th Doctor and Rose?? you say.. well that's different. I haven't seen any of the episodes from the second season of the new Doctor Who series. There is this bit of obvious "care" between the Doctor and Rose. Something that, I've noticed in re-watching older episodes thanks to bit torrent, he didn't have before. In this current series, the Doctor is alone. his planet and everyone like him are gone (Poor Doctor. ANd I felt sorry for the 7th doctor).
Maybe he's just coming around. The older incarnations of the Doctor were actually kind of mean to the girls. Except Peter Davidson (5th?) he was rather nice to Nyssa dn Tegan (etc).
But still they haven't been making out! If anything, Rose probably finds the Doctor sort of like a father figure, since she never knew her own dad. Somewhat like Ace, but not as um...
(no future!!!!! {explosion})
Who wouldn't want to go traveling about in space?

Doctor Who???

>>>We're big fans of the original British show, and have been ever since our respective local public television stations broadcast the story arcs (usually over two hours long, comprising several half-hour episodes) at odd times of night during our adolescence. The series, about an alien from the planet Gallifrey who travels time and space in a bigger-on-the-inside-than-the-outside machine called the TARDIS (a rather goofy acronym for Time And Relative Dimensions In Space) that just happens to look like a British police call box, has a charm all its own. The scripts were often witty and intelligent, even if most of the Doctor's adversaries were either unbearably arch or ludicrous. The acting was of the kind of silly/serious tone at which the British seem to excel, especially in their sci-fi, and the effects were so bargain-basement that they inspired a sort of loving devotion, the kind you might give to a three-legged cat. Doctor Who has long had the reputation of appealing to the kind of people whose only social outlet in high school was A/V club. That's not true. Some of us were in the chess club too.<<<
Taken from This Site which is about the horrible-ness that was the Doctor Who TV movie. Proof that Americans (as much as we <3>

Friday, January 27, 2006

Tales of the Freewayblogger

Tales of the Freewayblogger

Check this guy out.
Think for yourselves.
Thank you.

A Good Scottish Name

Lillian Jackson Braun is probably dead.
She is the author of the "The Cat Who..." series who's first book was published in 1967.
NO!! SURELY NOT!! No one was alive then!!!
Well I sure wasn't.
Jim Qwilleran is her protagonist. Is that the right word?
He IS what I wish I could be. Except for the man part.
He is a writer, he's rich and has cats and he writes a column about whatever he wants to write about twice a week.
of course this is later in the series, but still...
apparently in one of his columns he had three words of suggestion for people who wish to write. They are
write, write, and write.
I am in a sort of suspended despair that in all the time I sped day dreaming, I COULD be writing it down. But that time, in reality, is spend driving. Currently I drive sometimes for hours, almost every day. Soon I wont have this job anymore, I probably wont have near as much "free" time as I do ( but the pay will be significantly better)
DO I want to write? Yes.
Do I want to be a writer? I think so....
Then I must stop talking to myself and put it down.
That is why I started this in the first place. It's really not to ramble on about cats and daleks, which I have another blog for (with many pics).
This is supposed to be the secret hiding place for Avery Winters. And she hasn't stepped a virtual foot here yet.
I have relocated my laptop to next to my bed and plugged it in. It's been there for about a month. I am shy about what I am dreaming about. I can't tell anyone what I am cooking. Although I actually did tell a friend of mind about Avery one night while high off my rocket. Drugs will do that. Luckily pretty much everyone was off their rockets, and none of us really remember much from that night or that club. But that is another story for another time.
This is about me damnit!!! I have been spending an
inexcusable amount of time with Avery in the last few months. And I haven't written a thing.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Storytelling is not lost on us

We are getting a kitten.
I already have a cat. She is my special needs cat. She was given to me by my landlord. The poor cat (3yrs old) had been in possession of a very lonely 14 yr old boy who's mother one day decided that he had to get rid of her. He was SOO heart broken. So the cat came to me. My landlady thought I would care for her. And I do. The cat is TERRIFIED to be picked up or held. My theory is that she was probably squeezed more than she appreciated by the boy. No fault of his, he was just lonely. Until I rescued another cat about a year later and brought her home, I'm pretty sure cat#1 had never seen another one of her species. The poor thing was soo interested in her new companion, but cat#2 was very old and territorial. This cat was an attention whore. Lap cat, bed cat, calico cat. Whore. I loved that cat. I wont say I loved her more than the first Kitty, but because I personally rescued her from almost certain doom, I had special feelings for her. She, being old and stubborn, liked to hang about outside. Well one day, she went to play in the bushes and I never saw her again. I'm pretty sure she was dinner for a coyote. We live near farms, and she was somewhat deaf and slow. Easy snack. Poor cat. I felt personally responsible for her disappearance and I felt like I had lost my child. Poor cat #1. Still there... I felt even worse being so depressed over the loss of my second cat when I still had my first. That was some months ago. My cat is coming around to the ways of catly-ness. She sleeps on the bed and cries for food and attention like a normal cat. She seems lonely though. When I come home from work, she runs from wherever and meows. "pet me pet me pet me! Don't pick me up bitch! Pet me pet me pet me!'
So we are getting a kitten. Honestly between us and the lamppost, I prefer cats to kittens. Kittens are like babies; misshapen. If I adopted from a pound, I would just feel guilty taking a kitten when there are so many nice fat adult cats needing a loving home. They already have personalities and stories of their own that I'll never know because I can't speak cat-ese.
But Older cats are set in their ways, and I don't think that will mesh with my current, psychotic cat. So a kitten it is. I hope, hope, hope that my boyfriend is right and a kitten growing up with Miss kitty will be a good thing and maybe they will become friends and playmates. I know she wants to play with the other cats, she is just scared. I hope the kitten isn't a super alpha cat.
I would never get rid of any pet I have, ever. It always makes me sad to hear of someone needing to get rid of their cats or dogs. They are like children to me. As I will never have children of my own, this is how I compensate. Especially considering the fact that my current cat is such a special case. I feel like I have rescued her in a similar manner to the second cat. She was in a bad situation and she came to me, now she is in a better one. A loving home. Which is something all domestic animals deserve. (while livestock deserves a loving farm, thank you).
I am not a crazy animal activist who will spray-paint a fur coat, but come on folks, give the living things some respect. And go adopt a cat or a dog, or another cat or dog. At least you don't have to send them to college!

Friday, January 13, 2006

noms et le temps

Þorskafjarðargyðja (female)

Þorskafjarðargoði (male)

Gierr Bassi (book)

Thursday, January 12, 2006

The Cult of Oobla

There was actually at one time a cult of Oobla. But it only had like 4 members. and most of them were stoned all the time. Ah! Good times!
Those were days long past.
Days of even longer past are celebrated by people in the cult of the SCA. Not really a cult.

I went to the canton council meeting this evening. J actually wants to start playing again and I am actually very excited, regardless of what he thinks.
I got grumpy because my braided string wasn't as pretty as I thought it should be and said I didn't want to play anymore. I was kidding. I actually just don't want to play by myself anymore.
that sounds dirty. I am lazy and I don't want to play by myself in that way either... but I meant in the SCA.
I have never been really involved, and in the last year I have slowly been seeing what I think my place might be. At the canton meeting, everyone was really nice. Even the Baron of Calafia was there. Yay! I've met him before he is nice too.
I found someone to whom I can donate all that old garb I don't wear anymore to, and I asked around to which section Lysts belong to. I guess they are sort of in between marshalling and field heraldry. Which are two more things I want to do.
And So I was like. I am *very* interested in learning lysts! and marshalling bla bla. I talked to a few different chicks who were all nice and helpful in the usual SCA fashion but without all the overly seems-like-they're-faking-it nicities. Double YAY!
Then one woman who is a costuming laural ( I told her im learning to do my own embroidery) says she's a senior marshal, and they don't have a lysts officer. I told them I haven't ever done it before, but I took the class, and was planning on volunteering at the next tourney I showed up at.
So she introduced me to a couple other people, who were equally excited, and they suggested I come to FP, and they will help me get authorized as a fighter because it's pretty important to know what you are talking about if you are shaking a stick at fighters and tell them if they are doing something wrong.
I would have never ( or at least not for a long time) gotten into fighting because I wont spend the money on armour. But the chance to barrow some stuff and hit people with stick now and again is gool.
plus if it helps me do stuff I wanna do.
At any rate. I am very excited. I don't even feel aprehension, just looking forward to not sucking.

Then I stoped at Jack in the Yack for some chicken peices with Franks red hot sauce for dipping!
Kitty sat up and meowd at me while I was eating. but she wont eat anything I offer her. Crazy cat.

The Ants Keep Marching.

Wednesday morning, I woke up at 5am needing to pee and I couldn't walk to the can. I dragged and limped and hopped. I made like a gunshot victim the 15 feet to the loo and back, got in bed, adjusted so it wouldn't hurt so bad and waited until the alarm when off at 638am to tell Jason what was wrong.
"Jason.. I can't walk.... My knee hurts so much!" I started crying. I know I may see like a big baby. At this incident, I wouldn't waste my breath telling Jason all the reasons I am crying soo much. Yes my knee hurts, a lot. BUT It means I can't go to work. my boss is a dick enough and he thinks everyone is lying to him about everything. Jerk.
I have no insurance. I go to the state clinic which is on a payscale so sure, it's 30$ for the consultation, but the wait is horrible usually 3 hours.. AND Having a similar injury before I am scared out of my mind that it isn't something simple. I might need x-rays or physical therapy like last time (different knee)
and I sooo don't have that money. I can barley pay my bills.
But in his sleepy concerned-ness he was valiant to my aide... or something.. He just hugged me and told me that it would be fine, that he'd take me to the doctor ( he has a good job where they understand things like that, and offer sick days)
I was such a gimp. I had to have him take the covers off of me so I could move my leg!
I felt so lame.
Well I guess I was lame, technically...

Well because it was early morning, and not the "Women's Clinic" area I went to, the wait was not horrible.
The doctor was a woman, and really cool. She judged with her doctoryness that I probably only strained the tendon a little. and Really, it was feeling better by loads compared to 5am.
I had ace bandaged a bag of frozen peas to it when I went back to sleep. That probably helped a lot. She said I could go get x-rays if I want, but that I probably didn't need them (of course saying that in a way like "I can't tell you NOT to go.. but...")
I thought I'd save my $$$ for if it got really bad.
I got Motrin 800 (woo hoo!!) and went home. We bought actuall ice cubes and made an ice pack for my knee. Jason stayed home with me and we watched Unbreakable, which is actually good. and Mary Poppins (YAY! Julie Andrews!!!)
I finished my book (The Book Of Three. yes i know its a kids book, bite me)
and today my knee is MUCH better. still hurts when I move it to and fro.. but I am really amazed on how it has improved. yay Motrin and ice cubes!
Really, my boss today wanted me to drive the shop truck somewhere. and I told him no, and that all the driving on Tues is what I think irritated my knee to the point it was at.
I hid and almost cried and was going to tell him that if he made me drive I wouldn't come to work tomorrow.
But he changed his mind and made one of the mechanic's do it.
Time for my cult meeting.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Highlander is really Starwars

Highlander is really Star Wars
By Sharon Lowachee /

Has anyone ever noticed that Highlander bears a strange resemblance to a certain galaxy far, far away? Let's compare...

  • Luke Skywalker, the hero, was taught the ways of the Force by Obi-Wan Kenobi, an old Jedi Knight.
  • Duncan MacLeod, the hero, was taught about honor by Hideo Koto, an old samurai warrior.
  • Luke fights with a lightsaber, the ancient weapon of the Jedis.
  • Duncan fights with a katana, the ancient weapon of the samurais.
  • Luke's father Anakin turned to evil, left his family, and Luke was taken in by his uncle Owen.
  • Duncan's father thought he was evil, threw him out of the clan, and Duncan was taken in by his cousin Connor.
  • Han Solo is a smuggler but he has a heart of gold.
  • Amanda is a thief but she has a heart of gold.
  • Princess Leia has a sharp tongue and acts like a know-it-all.
  • Methos... ahem.
  • C-3P0 is an annoying sidekick who is always stumbling into trouble and needing the heroes to bail him out.
  • Richie... ahem.
  • C-3PO runs off because he thinks he sees a stormtrooper and ends up getting blasted to pieces.
  • Richie runs off because he thinks he sees Horton and ends up getting his head whacked off.
  • Chewbacca is really hairy.
  • Joe has a beard.
  • Darth Vader, the villain, has an unnatural voice and is always killing the people who work for him.
  • Kalas... ahem.
  • When we first meet Luke, he has longer hair and flyaway bangs that were popular in the 70s.
  • Methos... ahem.
  • Luke has a bright orange flightsuit, but usually wears neutral colors like beige, khaki and black.
  • Methos has a bright red pair of pants, but usually wears neutral colors like gray, brown and black.
  • Yoda has spent many years hiding on the planet Dagobah, until he's found by Luke.
  • Methos has spent many years hiding in the Watchers, until he's found by Duncan.
  • Luke was surprised to find that the little green alien was really Yoda, the Jedi Master he was seeking.
  • Duncan was surprised to find that Adam Pierson was really Methos, the old Immortal he was seeking.
  • Yoda is a very old alien who tests and trains Luke to be the one who rids the galaxy of Darth Vader and the Emperor.
  • Methos is a very old Immortal who tests and trains Duncan to be "the one" in the final battle between good and evil.
  • Yoda said, "Judge me by by size, do you? And well, you should not."
  • Methos said, "Just because I don't like to fight, doesn't mean that I can't."
  • Yoda has really big ears but very wise and expressive eyes.
  • Methos has a really big nose but very wise and expressive eyes.
  • Luke descends into a dark tree and fights a metaphorical battle with his evil self.
  • Duncan descends into a dark cave and fights a metaphorical battle with his evil self.
  • Han Solo's past comes back to haunt him when he's carbon frozen then forced to face his old boss, Jabba the Hutt.
  • Methos' past comes back to haunt him when he's stabbed in the heart then forced to face his old boss, Kronos.
  • When the Emperor died, there was lightning and sparks and a great release of energy.
  • When an Immortal dies, there is lightning and sparks and a great release of energy.
***Taken from
it made me giggle.

What we think is Happiness

Today went from Okay to horrible.
I hate everyone and everything right now. I am so fucking angry at everything. I am sitting in my apartment with no clothes on because all of my pajama bottoms are dirty. and all of my jeans. We could have done laundry yesterday or the day before but it's not important. Actually it's just not done unless I throw a fit and drag Jason away from the computer.
I have seperated all of MY clothes from the laundry and when my knee stops hurting enough to walk down the stairs and across the apartment to the laundry room... I'll go to MY laundry.
I am so fucking sick of waiting for when it's convienient for Jason to help me with the laundry to do it. It's too heavy for me to carry. Id have to make 5 trips just to get it all. all 60lbs of Jasons 60 pairs of pants.

I thought I'd do myself some good yester day at the gym by running on the treadmill instead of just using a cardio machine... I guess I forgot how fucked up my knees are. and how I fucked them up by skating without knee pads on. (and because I couldn't find kneepads to fit me...)
it hurts. so bad. when i move it. its the ACL?? tendon or whatever?? How the fuck should I know because I don't have insurance and havent for 3 years so I can't go find out what's wrong with it or how to fix it.

This afternoon has sucked more than any so far this year.
Just forget that my shitty hair mixed with my grown out shitty hair cut was all staticy and in my fucking face while trying to drive in the bullshit blinding So Cal sun my shitty work truck listen to radio stations that usually play great music. all playing SHIT. Red hot shit peppers, cold shit, a pearl jam song I actually like but have heardf about 10 times in the last two days... more shit. some horrible sounded like country on my rock station. that;s not diverse. it's annoying. and as much as Zepplin rocks. can we keep it on the stations that PLAY zepplin?? Can't you just play SOAD or the White stripes again? or maybe that filter song I like. NOO!!! it's fucking Jesus of Suburbia again. I'm sorry Billy Joe, but Queen already impressed people with a long song. and it was actualy ONE song, not 6 stuck together. you're not fukcing cool.

So, since Im a fucking officemanager and it's my job to manage this shitty office I work in. I need to mail things. Well the newspapers gave us a whopping two day head notice about how the 50 stamps I have there are completely worthless as of yesterday. but the post office is out of 2cent stamps. Their stamp machines don't sell 2 cent stamps. and some guy in a Montero and a fucking Beanie (in socal on a hot afternoon) and mirrored sunglasses is backing up the one way parking lot so he doesn't have to walk an extra 5 spaces. shit head.

Jason, the love of my life, called me today to get my last four so he can pay his truck payment. which is in MY name, because my precious has shitty credit so I bought him a brand new fucking truck on MY credit. He made the truck payment today and it was due two days ago.
"but there's a grace period" I wanted to fucking strangle him. he PROMISED me hed never be late with it, that he'd clean it, and make sure it was maintienced. Nope. I changed the fucking oil. I even cleared the 'maintaince required' light for him. I told him he needed to adjust the tire pressure. two weeks ago. not happened.

and there is a plastic bag from dinner two nights ago and an empty gallon of water on the counter. because plastic is too fucking hard to throw out?
nope it hangs out in front on the trashcan on the floor for two weeks because he means to put it in the recycle bin. one day. mean while my apartment looks like shit.
all the fucking time.
he is all over the cleaning and making it look nice now and again. but in a week it's fucking trashed. So instead of cleaning up little messes as we go. it gets gross and them someone calls and says they're visiting. so he busts out the Fantastic to clean the bathroom counter. Is he scared someone might think were messy?>
My bathroom, in every place I have ever lived in has been dirty, mostly all the time. the counters get dusty grimy from god knows what. and my hair pins and make up and toothbrush are always on display. but everything else. bedroom, kitchen and living room. nice. None of my friends have ever been like "damn girl, you need to clean your counter"

my final errand this afternoon was to make the deposit for the office. it was 440pm when I rolled up to BofA. and I go to the merchant teller and she is closed. 'im closed.. sorry...'
go fuck yourself bitch.
I live and work in a poor city. every person gets off work and goes to the bank I think to do who knows what. The regular line at a bank of america is like 35 people. Im pissed of and various men I have had to deal with today my knee fucking hurts and the merchant chick can't be open for the hours it says it's open on the door?
One thing I can say for myself is that I don't depend on anyone else for anything, ever.
but it is getting really hard.
my car registration is expired, but I can't go to the DMV it's only open when I'm working, I can't even mail it in because I don't have enough stamps (note: ust use office stamps to mail this in)
so I'm driving around with expired plates in a car that screams (come arrest me) {{it's really beat up, poor thing's had a hard life}}
Not that I have a shiny new motorcycle in my carpot that I could ride to work...
oh wait.. yes I do. but I can't ride it because Jason so lovingly tried to put some aftermarken turn signals on it only to find out that they arent compatible, after he cut my wires. so I have a shiny new motorcycle with some wires chillin off the side of it and no liscence plate cause it broke off.
I don't have the first clue how to work on bikes. I take my bike to a shop to have the tire presure adjusted cause I don't know how. and I'm okay with that. but what does he care if my lights don't work now, he's got a shiny new bike of his own to ride AND a shiny new truck.

Then Jason calls me as I'm leaving the bank. he asks how I am. I am not good at lying. Like I constantly drink Truth syrup... so I say I am crappy, and frustrated and sad and I hate everything right now.
"oh, how come?" ... I dont have time to explain, nor the patience because I will become rude.
I said just cause, just everything is upsetting me. "oh is there anything I can do?"
I don't know why he asks me thins. he knows theres nothing he can do. he can't even adjust his fucking tire pressure when i ask him to. He told me himself long ago in the adolescence of our relationship that he clams up when his chick is upset because his ex-wife was fucking psycho (litteraly) and there truly was nothing he could do. do he doesn't his best reaction is ":::shrug:: im sorry honey.."
I said, no there's nothing you can do. that's why I didn't call you in the first place.
I know that is damn rude. I wish more than anything that I had a good shoulder to cry on. but I don't I am too far from everything I am used to. from all my good friends who understand who I am and know just what to do to cheer me up. And how can I call them and say "Im an idiot. I wish I could come home. " When I just got done saying how much better off I am here in California.

I pay rent. and I make a bit more money than I did back home. Other than that. Im not really better off.

I want to drink and do drugs. I want to create but I am too busy just trying to survive.
I know now how Scott must have been feeling when I met him 4 years ago. he was always stoned. I couldn't figure out why.
It is better to be floundering and stoned than sober and to realize it.

we mind our own business

i·so·la·tion·ism (s-lsh-nzm)

1. A national policy of abstaining from political or economic relations with other countries.
2. Political rulers should avoid
entangling alliances with other nations and avoid all wars not related to direct territorial self-defense.

·gasm (gkgzm)

A strong emotional response elicited by an element (scene, line, character, prop, etc..) in a movie/tv show that can only be either understood or full appreciated by geeks, dorks, and fanboys/girls.

ohh sweet Britain.

Okay, So I have only been there twice. but it was quite enough see a police call box, realize that King's Cross Road is not as cool as might have once been, pay 3$ for a bottle of DP, to NOT get served warm beer (aparently I missed all the pubs that do that, thank god), and to buy a little pre-made packaged sammich in the weirdest corner shop I have ever seen.

When I was 18 i had planned to pack my things and just go to London and hope they let me stay. But I lost all my money.. well it was taken rather... but anyhow, I came to california instead.
Which is nice, I suppose. There's a steady flow of intoxicants, and steady jobs..

I have promised to take my Mother to Ireland. When I am 25. I have about a year and a half left and 148$ saved. This is going to be tough. but She is not getting any younger. I promised(to myself) to take her when I was about 12 years old. I hadn't expected to be such a slacker still in my mid 20's. things happen I suppose. but I've gone to Europe before with less money that I intend to have this time.. It is one of those things that i will never forgive myself if I don't do.

Monday, January 09, 2006

It's always best to bring extra shoes...

The time has come the walrus said, to talk of other things...

of shoes and ships and ceiling wax

of cabbages and kings.

Wouldn't it be nice to have that many pills all at once?
on the table of course. not to take all at once.
10 years ago, I would never have imagined myself wishing for an easy cheap drug connection, but here I am.
Yes. here I am. A complete dissapointment to myself. Completly off the track.
But better than I have ever been.
The last couple of months I have lapsed, if that's what i should call it, back into my foggy dreamland. where I am always the hero. or heroine as it were.....
I stopped for quite a long time. 3 years more or less. but I'm back.
And I'm back to wondering why it is I do these things.
How does it benefit me to day dream my stories instead of write them. but I intend to do that too.
or at least keep a record of this all so when I get the gumption, I will have "notes" to compile to make Avery more than just an escape.